Monday, 15 April 2024

Sewing and cake!

I have like many been a follower of Attic24's blog for many years and have now had the privilege of visiting Skipton and Yarndale many times, which was initially started by Lucy.

Anyhow I digress! In Lucy's latest posts she writes how their are fewer and fewer blog writers.  To me now society just wants a quick fix of images or visual stimulation and not spend time reading and enjoying what people write.  But I write my blog as a way of writing my thoughts and sharing my activities.

It's been an interesting week for sure.  Last weekend I went with my Son and his partner to Just Fabrics an amazing material shop to make my first project bag. 

Then on Friday I was treated to an amazing cake for having been at my day job for 19 years!! 

I could not believe thinking back how much has happened. My Son was only 3 when I started, I've since been married, divorced and had Cancer.  

But through everything I've always had the incredible support of my Son who is my role model, Mum who is such a determined and strong willed lady and a few close friends. 

One of my next challenges set by my Son is to be able to run 5k together and I'm determined to do it. 

Who inspires you? 

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