Tuesday, 2 April 2024

My Garden

I love my garden, it is years in the making with plants and ornaments from so many places.

I thought it would be lovely to record it so I can look back and see it grow, literally! 

It used to be grass but is now all patio with a small border around the edge which has a mixture of bushes and bulbs which are a surprise each year they come up. 

The house is in an estate and unfortunately over looked from every angle.  So my aim is to have plants that will grow many feet tall and enclose the garden so it's hugging you when you sit outside. 

I was walking home one day and this lovely plant stand was out on the street.  So I knocked on the owners door and she'd left it out for the scrap man as she didn't want to re paint it.  I love it as it is. 

The welcome signed was a £3 bargain from a holiday last year, it's such a happy sign. 

The Singer stand was free years ago was being got rid of at my old work premises. 

The teapot was a gift from a fellow knitting friend. 

The pallet was free from Howden's who are opposite where I work, which I painted. 

The Sara sign was a birthday gift many years ago. 

The Campervan planted which is very heavy was another birthday gift. 

The Frog bird table I bought last year from a garden centre near Blenheim Palace. 

This bird table my lovely Mum kindly gifted me and is often used. 

This elaborate brick was from a salvage yard in South Molton, Devon. 

This lizard was from Malvern flower show many years ago. 

The pretty ironwork was from Lidl and the wooden heart from North Wales. 

This planter used to be a water butt that was cut down. 

The lovely plague is from my last holiday abroad in Bulgaria in 2017!

This lady statue is older than my Son so about 24 years old. 

The ironwork magazine wrack was a car boot find. 

For me my garden is about creating not only colour and plants but memories and is very precious to me. 

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