Sunday, 31 March 2024

Keeping it local for Easter Sunday

I had a shocked today while out walking.  I have lived in my current home for 21 year's having left my parents home age 21 and lived in Cheltenham for 35 year's!

I have never fully settled here.  For me the town has everything I need and it is very handy for getting to many places for day trips and going on holiday.  

But it doesn't have a "community feel" like places like Skipton and Hay on Wye have when I have visited.

That being said I am very lucky to live in my lovely home and today instead of getting in my van I decided to stay local and had a lovely five mile walk with my trusty companion Luna.

Initially it looks like she wouldn't want to move!  But she loves her trips out

Something I really miss about living in the Cotswolds is being able to get to the coast, as it's a minimum of an hour plus drive.  So my walk by the River Chelt has to do. 

I do love to see people's gardens some are so pretty. 

On this particular walk I pass the first ever place I rented a room when leaving home, a very grand house.

There is the sweetest thatch cottage within feet of this property which is currently for sale, perfect if you have a spare £300k +

I headed out on a country road where you have the backdrop of Cleeve Hill and the company of many birds singing.

So all in all a nice relaxed way to just chill and enjoy my day. 

I hope you have all had a lovely day too. 

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