Friday, 2 August 2024

Cancer and the future

This picture just looks like a tin with a tablet.

However it is so much more.

This is my last tablet for Cancer treatment that I started five years ago.

I was truly blessed to have the surgeon Asmaa Al-Allak to perform the surgery. So I have been sewn up by the 2023 winner of The Great British Sewing Bee!

Asmma was an amazing lady in so many ways and I’m very blessed to have met her.

Life events over the last five years have meant I’ve never really acknowledged I even had Cancer! For many people it is a life changing experience, for me it was a blur. 

However this last tablet is a symbol to me of what happened, but more importantly what I have to look forward to.

Life has given me an incredible opportunity to meet new friends, explore life in my brilliant camper, spend precious time with my incredible Son and his equally brilliant Girlfriend.

But most importantly the chance to finally focus on my passion for designing knitwear.


  1. Wow! What an achievement, 5 whole years of treatment, well done 👏. I really hope all is well now, and you're celebrating somehow. I was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago and had 18 months of treatment, culminating in a stem cell transplant and that felt like forever. Looking forward to seeing what you deign x x

    1. I think we will both enjoy our future and everything yarn related x


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