Sunday, 12 May 2013

Nailsea, Clevedon and wind!

This weekend was time to visit folks and as the train was so reasonable we took this transport.

My request prior to visit was to pop to Cadbury Garden Centre, as they have such a great mixture of crafts and plants all under one roof.  Me and H also wanted to go to the The Blue Room to see the Art Exhibition taking place, I also purchased some lovely fresh Lavender and a few cards aswell.

Then to finish the day we had to visit Clevedon as I needed my sea air hit!

View down the estuary.
Cute Jack with the pier behind.

Bluebells in the wood.
Church on Poets Walk.
View towards Bristol from station.
A sideways look at me and Jack.
View along Poets Walk.
Classic view of Clevedon.
The flag of the country my son wants to eventually live in.

Windswept Clevedon.
Very windswpet family shot.

Cotton for my next project.
My purcahases from Cadbury Garden Centre.
My lovely new Dolly Shoes.

Painting by Pauline Bevan.  Pauline Bevan website.


1 comment:

A beautiful day at Slimbridge in the spring

For peo ple who have foll owed my blog for a number of year's will know my absolute joy at visiting  WWT Slimbridge . My first entry on ...