Sunday, 26 May 2013

Charingworth Court, Winchcombe

Today we took a lovely trip out to Winchcombe for lunch in our favourite Lady Jane Tea Rooms which we go to often.

Last year I attended the Wool in Winchcombe Festival. which was a great delight.
As the weather was so lovely we decided to go for a walk before heading home. 

Many times over the years I have walked past the "manor" I like to call it, but today as part of Winchcombe Festival the grounds were open and exhibiting part of Winchcombe Art Trail.

The current owners have occupied the house for 16 years but it dates back to 1659 in parts.

Here is a small snippet of the glourios grounds.

The sculptures were organised by Jane from Winds of Change Gallery

More images of the house can be seen at Chargingworth Court

On a creative front I have started designing more crotchet, these coasters are now for sale in my Etsy shop.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara,

    Only just had time to look at your blog.

    Thats great and it was good to catch up again.

    There weather was great that day as your pics show, a bit of a change now though.

    No dbout catch up again when you are next round and about in Winchcombe.

    Very best



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