Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Fibre Festival in Chipping Norton.

Today I decided I will take a trip out into the lovely Cotswold countryside and visit Fibreworks first ever Fibre Festival this Saturday 4th May.

Firstly I have never visited the Fibreworks shop and it does look oh so inviting. Then to see they are having a Vintage Tea Party along with all these goodies "We will have sheep and lambs welcoming you as you arrive, a history of the wool trade in Chipping Norton, tours of Bliss Mill, textile artists, crochet, dress making, millinery, hand bags, patchwork and quilting, rag rugging and peg looming demonstrations"  it would be rude not to visit.

I then decided to go onto Wikipedia and found out some interesting facts

Bliss Mill, on the west side of the town, was built as a tweed mill by William Bliss in 1872. In 1913 to 1914 the millworkers struck for eight months. The mill closed in 1980 and has since been converted into flats. It remains a local landmark, clearly visible from Worcester Road.

Beautiful aerial shot of the mill

My son would be impresse to know that Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear presenter, journalist and writer. is a local resident.

This is the Town Hall where the event will be held built in 1842.

So I look forward to sharing my next Post Blog after the event. 

Until then I hope your having a great week.

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