Tuesday, 5 June 2012

A wet Jubilee Tuesday.

Last day before back to work, goodness how time flies!!

Today was the usual walk with the dogs, only this time H came and he collected a lovely array of wild flowers which was put in a normally unused vase.

Next me and H went to MIL's and used her incredible knowledge and equipment she has for card making which she loves doing, to make a very special card for my parents incredible 50th wedding anniversary next month.

The picture my lovely Aunt kindly sent me of them on their wedding day which we scanned and then did all sorts of cutting, sticking, embossing and raising up of pictures and ha presto one unique card.

Then to round the afternoon off me and H made some gorgeous fairy cakes/mini Victoria sponge cakes with a scrumptious chocolate butter cream filling.

I also wanted to share our other find of the lovely white rose bud we got for Mrs P. The seed that my kind work colleague gave me which is packet that looks like a matchstick box, but in fact held 6 seeds that when planted produce a chilli plant. I also took cuttings from my purchases from Malvern Flower show and they seem to be growing well too.

P.s. Many thanks for your kind thoughts about Mrs P.


  1. That's a great card; its more personal to receive a handmade one than a shop brought one. 50 years is a wonderful achievement - I hope they have a very happy anniversary.

  2. ohh - I hadn't seen your card til now. You've done an amazing job! I love that you've used a picture from their wedding day. The house move is going slowly - we exchagned last week (yeah!) and looks like we'll be in at the very end of August/beginning of Sept. Just hopping to be in for the beginning of school! Hope you're well x


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