Sunday, 17 June 2012

The knitted Vegetable Garden

As part of my trip to Gardener's World I had to make sure I saw the "knitted garden".
It was created by Creative Moments craft group. It took over 70 volunteers approximately 8000 hours to make.  There aim was both terapeutic and to show families how easy it is to plan a vegetable garden which helps in the current economic climate and helps the environment. 
There is no official website to contact the group on but it is a brilliant idea and I am sure we will see more of the garden in cyber land.


  1. cool to come across your blog entry of our knitted garden - fabulous photos. Thanks so much for blogging about us. We had SUCH fun making it and we are still smiling now as we think of the show. The garden will be on display for 'Britain in Bloom' at the Midlands Arts Centre, Edgbaston, Birmingham 19 July - 7 Aug. Thanks again!


A beautiful day at Slimbridge in the spring

For peo ple who have foll owed my blog for a number of year's will know my absolute joy at visiting  WWT Slimbridge . My first entry on ...