Saturday, 16 June 2012

Be warned an obscene amount of plants!

Today is the exciting day I go off on an adventure by myself on a train to Birmingham, about hour from home.
Yesturday I treated me and H to new Coldplay cd and put on my mp3, awesome band.  So get to listen on train and H listened while doing chores bless him.
I so love train journeys, I had one speaker in so hear music and the noise of other passengers and train noises, crazy I know but I spent three years travelling every weekend to Leicester when studying my degree and just enjoy the fact that you can relax and enjoy countryside with no stress.
Is so good looking out of the window as you see things never notice normally.  We go past lovely countryside and nearer Birmingham there is a canal that runs next to the track with lots of runners on the path and boats on the water.
Excellent timing when getting to New Street station next station was already in, was heading to London.  In was amazed how many first class sections there was with hardly anyone on! But standard was full so had quiet corner between carriages was bit rocky but fine.
I spent the morning in the RHS marquee taking an obscene amount of photograph's of flowers which is one of my favourite types of photography and will make this blog hugh.
Lunch was another chilled experience of sitting on a cool floor in the dividing part of the NEC to eat lunch listening to Adele, people watching and photographing lots of feet!
Having had lunch decided to go indoors, wow it's hugh got no chance of seeing the food show. I entered loads of competions for chance to win holiday. Then came across this BRILLIANT stand where you just plug in your phone and charge it which is brilliant as writting blog as I go and taking pictures is kinda draining and not good idea run out completly or can't get lift home!
One thing I had to find was the knitted garden which took 70 voluntees over 8000 hours to make-up the detail was so good.
Then I had to head into the food hall. I purchased the sweetest measuring cup that been looking for ages. I then came across Mr "one sheet does Plenty" called Juan Sheet! He kindly signed a card for H bless him.
Finally before heading home I bought the most tasty bread ever had which had sun dried tomato in and two HUGH brownies to share at home.  For Mrs P I got a gorgeous Morecroft card as I could never afford an ornament. For H my favourite purchase as a charitablen donation to Guide dogs for the blind where you pay monthly and they send periodic updates on how the puppy is doing with training up to when it is homed with a new owner, such an awesome idea H will adore.
All in all an incredibly memorable day which infact turned out great even though went alone.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lovely time! I love the photo with the orb type flowers in (no idea what they're called, but I love the structure!) x


A beautiful day at Slimbridge in the spring

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