Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Slimbridge in November

If you've been following my blog for a long time you'll know about my love of visiting WWT Slimbridge, their are over 20 entries going back to 2010 I have shared images here.

I was amazed when I looked back that I started writing my blog in 2009 it has definately improved but it is still a lovely reminder to see all the things I have been up to.

Oh my goodness we have certainly made up for the lack of rain we had this summer here in the UK with alot of rain.  But thankfully Sunday it was dry, a little chilly but lovely for some fresh air.

The clouds (which I just love seeing) were amazing.  This house was Peter Scott's, the founder of Slimbridge.

The reserve has areas that have been deliberately left to flood so within the hides you can see a real mixture of habitats.

This was the view from the lookout tower, looking over to the Forest of Dean.

I just loved the colours of the berries on this bush.

I don't think in all the year's I have been to this hide I have ever had it to myself, albeit for less than five minutes!!

One of the beauties of Slimbridge is you can get close to birds that you never would be able to do normally. 

They have built a great enclosure where you can see the Avocets within a few feet of you.

Of course the obligatory Bewick Swan shot!

Mallards may be a well known bird, but I loved the ripples of the water and the colours of the birds.

Finally I found a quiet spot just for a little knitting and enjoy my home made coffee mocha.

Until my next adventure ....

1 comment:

  1. You certainly know every inch of there now Sara. Beautiful place and brilliant for seeing so much wildlife xx


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