Monday, 13 November 2023

Local weekend

So this weekend was a busy one visiting a few different places 

First up was one of my favourites Tewkesbury.  We've had alot of rain recently and sadly was too muddy to walk across to the waterfall, but it was still special to see the river. 

Stopped and had a lovely homemade soup and did a spot of knitting in one of the many independent cafes. 

I have lost count of the amount of times I've walked past the flour mill built in 1880 and never seen the hand holding the wheat.  They don't ever do this level of detail on buildings now. 

Another thing Tewkesbury is great for are the bookshops, this one had so many of the ones I'm collecting!! 

Again I've seen this clock but never noticed the writing underneath. 

Sadly this shop was empty hut I just loved the signage. 

The detail on the windows are really inspiring for designing. 

The field the runs opposite the Abbey I thought would be flooded, but thankfully not and what a sky. 

Next after two people recommended visiting was a trip to the Jet Age Museum based next to Staverton Airport.  What a fascinating place run by the most enthusiastic volunteers. 

Finally for Saturday a quick walk around Nature in Art.  Again I have been a few times before but there is always something worth seeing. 

They have a resident artist for a week at a time most of the year and this week it was the sculptor Linda Heaton-Harris her work and the detail was equisit. 

They also had an art exhibition on.  Initially when I looked I thought these where photographs.  But when you look closely you see they are paintings.   It blew my mind the talent of Nicholas Jones

Finally there was this sculpture that was so tactile and realistic I just loved it. 

Then for day two I had the pleasure of going to Cirencester and having a walk not just around the town, but Cirencester Park.  

The park is huge and you could spend hours walking around it. 

This horses head sculpture was just stunning and I shall revisit when the sun is out to see all the colours it produces. 

To commemorate the King's Coronation an amazing statue was commissioned from a Cedar tree.   The detail and symbolic representation is just so good. 

Here's to more adventures. 

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