Sunday, 1 October 2023

Trip to Tewkesbury with Kitty

So I am the lucky owner of a beautiful cat.  

She is an indoor cat, but she loves coming on adventures with me in the van. 

Today we went to Tewkesbury, a place not too far from home that I know she is happy with. 

It's about an hour's walk and lots to see. 

She's happy to just lie and watch the world go by. 

I loved these flowers out and considering it's the first of October and it was 20° it was a very pleasant temperature to walk in. 

I've been to this part of Tewkesbury so many times but never seen this building from this angle. 

They always do lovely flower display which makes the town really pretty. 

These cottages where the inspiration for a degree piece of knitwear I made many years ago. 

I thought walking across the Ham would have been soggy with recent rain, but it was lovely and dry. 

I never go to Tewkesbury and not visit the weir.  I love hearing the sound of the water. 

The Abbey is such a grand building. 

Not sure if these cottages get flooded as Tewkesbury is prone to bad floods. 

 Another lovely afternoon out. 

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