Friday, 29 September 2023

Malvern Autumn Show

So last weekend was the annual RHS Malvern Autumn show.  

I've been to the spring one before but not this one. 

I think to actually see everything you'd have to go both day's.  It is a great show with the stunning Malvern Hills for a backdrop. 

I decided not to research before hand so it would be a surprise when I went. 

They honestly had so many great things to see. 

There was the Animal World, I mean wow not seen a Camel for year's! 

I absolutely adore Owls they are so fascinating. 

They had an area with all sorts of dog's, I just love the Weimaraner breed. 

Obviously I had to get a picture of the Llama's and they posed so perfectly. 

They also had an area for spinning this wheel looked interesting sadly I didn't see it in action. 

They had a Showground area for all different categories. This was something you don't see often, Gloucester Old Spot Pigs best in show. 

The adhoreable Alpaca. 

I loved the markings on this sheep's face

The well known Herdwick sheep just chillin

Oh my goodness the Pigme Goats made the cutest noise when they bleated. 

The Toft Stall was great with such realistic crotchet vegetables. 

Their were so many craft tents with some very skilled people. 

They had a flora marquee I just loved these flowers in the bowl. 

A delightful cross stitch picture. 

I could not believe this beeswax sculpture so clever. 

Then they had the giant fruit, veg and flower marquee.  Just wow this Sunflower seed head! 

Can you believe the length of this Tomato plant!! 

I loved this apple display. 

Not sure how many people bought furniture from the show, but this was a colourful sofa. 

I do love a good mannequin this one looked so different. 

I do love wooden furniture and this would look great in the garden at home. 

Along with the purple sheep, I mean who doesn't love a purple sheep! 

Definitely looking forward to going again next year. 

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