Sunday, 16 October 2022

Berrington Hall National Trust

I decided as it was such a lovely day yesterday to take the van out for a day trip.

I've been to most of the local National Trusts near me so checked Google maps and found this new one.  It was just over 50 miles and a glorious drive through some of the Hereford countryside, as the Trust is just outside Leominster. 

Before I set off I got out the Flask and sat and did a spot of knitting in the van. 

This weekend they had an event at the hall that to collect the surplus apple's. 

The floral Garden was lovely. 

The Cyclema are so pretty. 

Then it was time for a nice cuppa and knit with a view. 

Then I had a walk around the house which from the outside did not look grand, but goodness it was a surprise. 

The detail that goes into the costumes is incredible. 

The last living relative that owned the house Mrs Carley lived to 100.  By all accounts was a lady who took no messing. 

She lived in the house, well just two rooms her bedroom and a sitting room and she had one house keeper and a cook who cooked her meals.  It was owned by the National Trust but the public were not allowed in her rooms.

The grounds were created by the famous Capability Brown. A beautiful woodland area and a lake.

I hope you've enjoyed my little visual day trip of this great place and if your ever passing I highly recommend a visit. 

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