Monday, 22 August 2022

Exmoor and Lynmouth

So having a little mini break in the trusty camper,  this time heading to stay at Lynmouth 

As always the thing I love about going solo is a can just literally stop wherever and whenever I want. 

With that in mind my first stop (after a small loo break at the services) was on the top of Exmoor looking over to Porlock.   I could not believe all the heather was out it just looked stunning. 

I had the most amazing spot to eat lunch and do a spot of knitting.  

Then I had a lovely drive down to Lynmouth.   I have been here back in 2017 when I went to an Open Mill day with John Arbon.    And again for my birthday last year where I wrote about it here.

It may just be a small place but it definitely is a great spot to visit.  I love the high street with the mixture of things to see and different shops.  

I got a gorgeous handwoven rug and omg the most delicious smelling soap from MOR Gifts Matthew the owner is lovely. 

I also popped into to see the incredibly talented artist in residence Maurice Bishop.  He has a shop in Lynmouth and a Gallery at Dunster.  He paints in the shop where people can see him at work in the summer as the "light is great"  and at home in Dunster in the winter.  I could not believe it when he told me he is 79. He honestly is so funny and his talent and imagination is outstanding. 

He showed me his sketchbook. This picture if the inspiration for the painting he is working on. 

I was so pleased to come away with painting I will treasure too,  I could not afford the full size but I have a beautiful piece of his work I will treasure. 

I  then had 50 minutes left on the parking to headed for the beach for spot of knitting.  

I hope you've enjoyed my little visual diary.  

Until next time. 

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