Monday, 18 April 2022

Charlecote Park National Trust

As part of my Easter break one of the things I wanted to do was have a day trip out to a new place.

So for me when searching for new places to  go too firstly is always Google maps, but this time I went on the National Trust app to see what was not too far from home.

It's surprising just how many places the National Trust own.  I have visited around six all local to me, but I was looking for a new location.

Charlecote Park looked like a great venue.  The obligatory house to view, big gardens to walk in and to top it off Deer to see!

So please take a minute to sit back and enjoy my take on this lovely day out. 

This was the servants kitchen, the light was amazing and I loved the seats.

The original of this is made of pure silver and is on the dining table of Sandringham House.  I can not get over how they manipulated the metal to have so much detail!

Just thought this was quirky and looked great against the wallpaper!

How's this for a bejeweled peace of armour! 

You don't see workmanship like this nowadays the intricacies of it are incredible. 

There were many paintings, but this was my favourite. 

Once I'd finished looking around the house which is not fully open as they are doing a major renovation of the heating so many rooms where not accessible. 

I obviously headed to the cafe for a snack and drink to take with me when walking in the grounds. 

So much to choose from! 

Next I headed off to the immediate grounds surrounding the house. 

So many pretty flowers everywhere this time of year.

Then I headed off to view the grounds. 

I found a lovely spot to sit by the river. 

Only problem was I got "moved on" as apparently this spot of paradise with the water, birdsong and view was reserved for the Deer!!

So up I got and went in search of them and wow I wasn't disappointed!! 

They also had a lovely garden nursery I just loved the two Hare's sculpture. 

So that was my photo journal of my day trip which was rounded off perfectly my a spontaneous stop off on my way home by a fellow VW Caddy Camper friend who had recently stayed at a site only 15 miles from my home near a place called Elmley Castle.

So I felt it only right to have a look, wow what a pretty village and I must make time to find the walk up on to Breedon Hill and enjoy the 360 degree views. 

Lastly I wanted to share my lovely new purchase from the National Trust shop, obviously with knitting in mind I found the perfect bag. 

I mean forget makeup and "girlie stuff" a bag needs to be able to hold your knitting right! The fact it is made with very pretty fabric and has lots of pockets is an absolute bonus!

Until next time 😊

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