Sunday, 10 April 2022

Cerney House Gardens

 A couple of weeks ago a friend on Instagram shared a post about a garden that is literally 15 miles from where I live and I never knew about it.  Social media definitely has it's place and discovering new places to go is up there on the great things about it.

So I made a picnic, sorted my knitting projects and made sure my battery was charged in my camera and headed off for the day.

The drive was really lovely discovering parts of Cheltenham I had not been through too, then out into the countryside heading for Cirencester.  The road takes you through some very pretty countryside and you past a few lovely looking pubs.

I parked Stanual my VW Camper in the designated car park and took a minute to enjoy the birdsong. 

As you enter the gardens you are greeted with the first of the plant stands all plants grown within the grounds.

The beauty that I never come across in all the gardens that I have visited before is that entry not only to the gardens, but the purchase of drinks, cakes (oh my the cakes) and plants is all through an "honest box" method.  Such a refreshing a great way to operate.  I had researched prior to my visit and realised that day entry was a mere £5! but for £18 I could join for the year meaning that I can come back and see the garden change throughout the season.  For me it was a no brainer and I paid my £18 very happily.

The timing of my first trip coincided with the beginning of the Easter Holidays for kids and as you entered they had laid on a lovely treasure hunt that they could take part in.

For me I firstly headed off to the Woodland area.

I came across this gorgeous sculpture and there were others dotted about, but I did so love this one.

About five minutes into my walk through the Woodland walk I came across a perfect spot to just stop and take in the surroundings, listen to the birds singing their hearts out and enjoy the start of the amazing display of flowers that I would enjoy.

Of course I had to get out some knitting and just sit, listen, knit, repeat!

Then I packed up my knitting for a little while and ventured on to see what other gems I could find.  Oh my goodness such an selection of so many different plants.

I also did find another spot to do a little more knitting!

I think I need to knit a patch for my jeans, hadn't realised they had got quite so holey!!

By now it was gone 1pm and I was getting hungry, so I headed to the Bothy and treated myself (and Son as I took half of the Millionaire's Shortbread home) and then took myself back to the camper for my lunch, coffee and a little more knitting with a view.

Fully refreshed I headed out again, this time just with my camera to enjoy the Walled Garden.

Then for the final magical part of the day I came across "The Potting Shed!"

Oh my goodness those pots!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Son and I adhore indoor plants, (I also love my outdoor garden too) but the variety of pots was just so much better than I have seen at an affordable (to me) price.  So I came away with a succulent and pot for both myself and my Son.

A very successful day and I am so looking forward to a return trip to see what new flowers are growing.

So if your ever in the area, why not pop along to Cerney House Gardens and discover this oasis in the heart of the Cotswolds.

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Until my next adventure.....

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