Monday, 14 February 2022

Slimbridge and a new camera part 1

I have been very lucky in being able to buy myself a new DLSR camera.

Taking shots on a phone is ok but such a difference to a "proper" camera.

I have invested in a Nikon D5600  I bought it from Cotswold Camera's who provided a great price and customer service.  I have two lenses a 18-55 for portraits and landscape and then a 70-300 for wildlife.

For those who have followed my blog for a while will know my love of WWT Slimbridge. I am so lucky as it is only 30 minutes drive from home. It is a place you can immerse yourself in wildlife. 

Having a DSLR Camera meant I could capture details of the wildfowl that I just could not capture on my phone. 

I think pigeons are under rated, their colouring is just beautiful and I love how it is all puffed up to keep warm in the chilly weather. 

I love looking more closely at the details. 

This picture I love it is just the ripples on the choppy lake. 

Spent time just st watching the birds, drinking coffee and a few stitches on my current project. 

I hope you enjoy my image's I would love to have feedback. 

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