Sunday, 27 February 2022

Rococo Gardens and Snowdrops for the last day of February.

So today the weather forcast was for 10 degrees and sunshine, so I decided to head off to a beautiful garden only 20 minutes from home called Rococo Gardens in Painswick.

On my way, as I was early I stopped of at an amazing view point and took this picture overlooking May Hill and the town of Gloucester in the dip.  On a clear day you can see all the way to the Black Mountains in mid Wales.

This is the view of the kitchen garden along with a selection of beehives, I bet the honey tastes delicious!

This building is called Eagle House, they are unsure whether it was because you have an Eagle's view over the land, or because they actually housed an Eagle in there!

This building is appropriately named the "Red House"

I love this grand pegoda at the top of the garden which has a small pond at the base of it.

Dotted around the grounds were amazing sculptures so intricately carved.

Then we have this carving of a magical castle in the branch of a tree, isn't it just brilliant!

I love the reflection in the Swan Pond 

Then we have the main reason most people come here, especially at this time of year to see the spectacle which is the flowers.

I loved this tree, they had cut off what every it was that was growing up the trunk, but it just looks so gnarled and perfect for Jack and Beanstalk! 

Apparently the snowdrops were on their way out now, but to me they still gave an incredible show.

This was the view overlooking the Vale of Stroud just so tranquil.

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