Monday, 25 May 2020

My personal "lockdown" diary.

I am a very visual person and when it was announced that we would be firstly having a "lockdown" to try and stop the spread of Covird-19 from 23rd March I decided  I decided to keep a visual diary. 

I use Pinterest for many things one of which was to take and save a picture each day so I could reflect on what I have done and achieved during this time. 

Almost without fail every day that my partner is working at the hospital I go to meet her when she has finished her shift. 

I have Strava'd my walks and was surprised how many miles I have clocked up. 

I have been able to photograph the beautiful cherry blossom and take time to notice details that often would be over looked and missed be it a flower emerging or the architecture of buildings here in Cheltenham. 

For me personally I have loved the far quieter and slower pace of life, taking time to slow down and notice things or "just be" is very often put on the back burner in daily life.  But for me it has given me valuable time to reflect on the last year and what is important and what I want out of life in the future. 

To many many people this time of uncertainty is very hard to cope with which I can completely understand.  

But to me having come so far from suffering so much with depression/anxiety and fear after having the courage to leave an mentally abusive relationship and to realise the true joy of a loving relationship that I am now blessed with. 

Alongside this last year the emotional journey of having Breast Cancer and next week having my yearly Mammogram always having it in the back of your mind "will it come back" 

So to me taking time and appreciating what I have is so important. 

I have also had invaluable time to be able to sit knit, design and publish some patterns which I am very proud of.   My patterns can be found here

So if you would like to take time to enjoy my images please do, I would love to hear how your lockdown has been. 

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