Sunday, 17 June 2018

Karie Westermann "Design your own lace Shawl" workshop.

When I told my friend that I had done a  workshop to design a Lace shawl, she said "I suppose you just design one lace repeat and go from there" . This is a very valid perception of what would be involved, but Karie opens your eyes to the idea in a whole new way.

I started on my design journey in knitwear many years ago when I graduated with a degree in Knitwear Design back in 1997. Oh my goodness how things have progress in terms of acceptability to a whole new resource now with the internet and incredible tools such as Ravelry.

I have designed socks and a handful of garments but only one shawl.   I have a passion to continue to learn and develop within my knitting (oh how I would love to do my degree again!)

So when the opportunity arose to take such a great course run by such a prestigious designer as Karie who has been teaching for over ten years and has produced exception work which can be viewed here I couldn't say no.

When you think of a shawl all my non knitting friends would say "it is something your Gran would wear". But knitting now is not just for "your Gran" to do. With the help of incredibly talented Indie yarn dyers and a whole new era of knitters. Along with the realisation that knitting has the ability to help with mindfulness and relaxation their is a whole new group of people who just love to knit.

Shawls have a fascinating history from the traditional Shetland Shawl to the elaborate work of Stephen West who's eleborate use of colour and shape breaks many rules.

As part of the course Karie asked where do I get my inspiration for design. For me it is thinking of what I want, be it socks or a garment.

These are my latest two design's

One is a sleeveless top and the second a long sleeve Boxy shaped jumper and I am working on a long sleeve cardigan in my collection I have called "The Road to Happiness".

I love swatching as you can gadge how the fabric will drape, the important stitch and row count and if you like how the fabric looks.

But Karie opened my eyes to so much more in terms of thinking of a story and drawing inspiration, aswell as yarn choices, needle size, the shape and item you want to create.

If you are ever in Bath and want to visit a ln inspiring shop you can not fail with A Yarn Story.

I could not resist Townhouse Yarns based in Dublin, Ireland.

These will definitely be turning into my very own shawl design.

So if you get a chance to go to a
Karie workshop, I highly recommend it.  I found her to be the most patient and inspiring person and her knowledge and teaching is impeccable

A Yarn Story interviewed Karie prior to her workshop, here is the interview.

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