Sunday, 15 April 2018

Road to happiness photo session.

I live in the cotswold town of Cheltenham.  It is a very multi cultural town with some great area's for photography.

Today I decided to cycle along a route called the Honeybourne line which is an old disused railway line.

In 2017 #cheltenhampaintfestival create an amazing event that meant many area's were painted by incredible street artists.

One of who was done by Vanesa Long Champ an incredible artist based in London who has travelled widely.

Inspired hughly by Laine magazine I took photographs of my newly completed garment which I have called Road to Happiness.  One is a short sleeve top and the other is a love sleeve jumper. 

The garment is a boxy style comprising of lace, cables and moss stitch. I love the garment so much I will be making another and am going to design socks, cowl and wrap to complete the design idea's. 

Please do enjoy the picture's .

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