Sunday, 15 April 2018

New logo

Over the past few weeks Joan Marley an incredibly talented artist from Pennsylvania has been working on my very own logo for me.

I so so love what she has designed, encompassing my love of sheep in her stylised way.

The font was picked called "little lord fauntleroy" which is such a great name for a font!

I had alot of help from people on social media with a survey I carried out and am so grateful to the many many people that helped with deciding.

My OH suggested the needle ends and a friend said to add a number and number 8 has a great meaning to me as I got married on 8.8.08!  Number 8 is also the "old" number for needles (now know as 4mm) so it is relevant to when I started knitting.

So please welcome my very own and unique branding that I just adhore!!

To view Joan's work please visit her Etsy shop.


  1. Lovely design Sara everything is really starting to pull together.

