Friday, 25 May 2012


As like many other "blogging" friends part of blogging land to me is reading and following what fellow bloggers are doing.

Today I read The Vintage Knitter blog (always a good read) and was compelled to donate for two reasons.  (a) it is such a worthy cause and put together so well and (b) unknown to the family I was in Cheltenham General hospital a month ago to find out the results of my son's "abnormal" heart beat and they came in.  They seemed such a lovely family and Lucy was so well behaved I just had to donate.

So please donate if you can and help Daniel get the £54,000 he needs to get the treatment that will help change his life.

feature in the local paper.

Daniel's own website.

Just Giving website to donate to.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you ever so much Textureknit. I really hope that they achieve the 54k, it would be brilliant to see Daniel walking into school.

    BTW, hope all is okay for your son. The doctors thought Monkeychild had a heart murmur when she was a baby, but she didn't, which was lucky.


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