Thursday, 24 May 2012

Olympic Torch comes to Cheltenham.

Last night had the most amazing time at the race course when we were able to celebrate the torch which is visiting many towns around the UK.
Prior to the arrival of the torch their were many brilliant events put on for entertainment.
H had a go at golf and rugby.  We watched skateboarding and gymnastics.
Then on the main stage for two hours they had a mixture of music and streetdance acts. To start they had the incredibly talented and funny Twist and Pulse who put on a great show. Then their were local acts, but for me and H the highlight was Labrinth who not only did a great show but then came around to some of the screaming crowd where me and H got some great shots.
H climbed up and managed to get some brilliant birds eye view shots of which I will share some but I didn't manage to get a good one of Zara Phillips holding the torch while riding Toytown but what a night.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a great time, and there was so much going on! If my little ones had been just a little bit older I'd have made my way over to Cheltenham but we enjoyed the (slightly less elaborate) celebrations in Stroud.


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