Sunday, 20 June 2010

Cycle, lunch, knitting what a beautiful day

On a quest to start getting alot fitter we set off on for what was an epic cycle ride of 16 mile round trip from home to Winchcombe and back.

Upon reaching the top of Cleeve Hill which in itself was a feat we were greeted by a beautiful view.

It was a semi hair raising experience cycling down into Winchcomb especially when we got up to speeds of 22 miles per hour, which ok in a car is nothing but when you are surrounded by cars which seem to have this in built need to come right up your rear it's not much fun!

Upon looking closer their are loads of fascinating bits of history to be seen around the town.

We then decided to go on a lovely 2 mile walk around the surrounding countryside of Winchcombe taking in some inspirational little quirky features that go with "oldie worldee" towns.

Their were many different types of wild flowers, which had truly beautiful colours.

The allotments in Winchcombe reminded me of a patchwork quilt and I loved the net curtains in the windows which would replicate into a beautiful lace.

Then it was time for a treat in our favourite cafe Lady Jane Tea rooms.

Then finally home and rounding off the afternoon with my favourite hobby knitting, sitting in the garden with my gorgeous wife without whom I wouldn't have done this.