Sunday, 13 June 2010

12 June Knit in Public Day Gloucester

As part of World Wide Knit in Public which runs from 12-20 June Their are many events that are being run all over the world to encourage like minded people to knit in public and involve/teach/encourage new people to our personal passion.

I had the pleasure of attending two events that were being held in Gloucester.  My first was a group that was set up only 5 weeks ago which is held every Wednesday 2-4pm in the Cathedral.  This group was an inspiring group where they sat and made squares which ultimately are made into blankets and sent to children in Africa.
The second group I attended are a group that meets twice a month on a Tuesday at the Guildhall in Gloucester from 7-9pm .  Here their was a mixture of talents many of whom far exceeded my skill, but give me a goal to aim for.

All in all I had a BRILLIANT day where the sun shined, the needles clicked, the conversation flowed and I am really looking forward to coming back to the Guildhall Group when I can.