Sunday, 26 February 2023

Walk around Cheltenham town

So I have signed up to do the 10k Race for Life this year.  Even though I walk every day I want to be able to easily do this in a good time.

I decided to walk from home in the suburbs of Cheltenham into town. 

Cheltenham is full of history and as you reach the more central area the houses have so much more character than the housinge states on the outskirts, where you could be anywhere as the houses all look the same. 

I walked up passed a lovely church called Christchurch

We have been very lucky with the weather the past two months in terms of blue sky's and sunshine.  I'm sure we will pay for it later though with the lack of rainfall.

The joy of walking is you get to spot things you don't normally see. 

I love the Georgian houses, most of which I am sure are now flats. 

I came across this amazing car. 

I was now in an area of Cheltenham called The Suffolks lots of lovely shops.

I passed the Daffodil a lovely 1920's building. 

I made my way to Bath Road and past the Cheltenham College a very grand building. 

I loved the painted boxes on the road too. 

As I headed down into the town centre I spotted these cool sheep's heads on top of pillars which were on the entrance to driveways. 

Cheltenham is a scenic town, but my goodness it is expensive, these where just two properties I spotted in an estate agent window. 

There are some lovely colourful side streets to though. 

Reminds me of a lovely seaside town. 

Now I have reached the very bottom of the hill and spot what used to be a boutique clothes shop, sadly now closed but the building still remains the same. 

Across the road is the Cheltenham Playhouse a theatre opened in 1945 that I have yet to visit but when the right show comes up I'll get to see inside. 

I could not walk past and not take a picture of the The jelly armchair shop isn't it great. 

By now it is lunchtime so I head for my favourite cafe in town Black Gold Coffee I love the comfy seat's, the delicious food and wow what a teapot! 

Obviously I brought my knitting!! Today I had the privilege to meet and chat for a good long time to a truly lovely Mother and Son. 

Charles is in his 70's and is passionate about locating and finding different trig points out on so many Hills.  June his Mum, wow such a fascinating lady who is  aged 93 and full of the most incredible stories. 

Her husband was called Harold and she was so taken when I showed her a picture of my Son Harry and our cat Luna. 

I now have a loyalty card for the cafe and hope to meet up with June again in the future. 

Charles was also kind enough to take a picture of me doing what I love. 

On the way back home I stopped off a shop I had a gift voucher for from Christmas. I decided I wanted a treat and with the help of the lovely lady behind the counter came home with this funky Britney Spears Perfume it smells lovely and isn't the bottle just great. 

In total I walked 8 miles so over the 10k that I need to achieve which is great.  I have lots more walks lined up which I will share. 

So until next time. 


  1. Loved your trip around Cheltenham Sara, fascinating walk. You see so much more when you walk . Loved the perfume bottle too. The mum and son sound friendly, us oldies have lots of memories and it's so good you've had a chat with them. I don't think you'll have to worry about the 10k you'll do it easily xx

  2. Loved reading this trip around town. I've loved in Cheltenham for nearly 20 years and love walking round it - when I'm not in a rush to get somewhere, it's always worth looking about as there's a lot to see. I think I would have bought the perfume bottle just for the bottle, so pretty!

    1. Hi Emma
      Thanks so much for your lovely reply
      I love writing my blog partly as a memory of what I have done
      The perfume smells lovely glad I treated myself.


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