Monday, 20 June 2022

Coombe Hill Nature Reserve

So yesturday was Father's Day.  

For many people I know there Father's are now no longer here so it's not always an easy day.

My Dad always loved being out and about, discovering new places was great to him, but equally he loved to visit places he loved too.

I have been meaning to visit a nature reserve that is literally 10 minutes drive from my home.  Partly because it is nice to not have to go far to find some peace and with the ever increasing cost of fuel you need to be mindful of spending.

Coombe Hill Nature reserve is run by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.  It became a reserve in 2000 and has slowly expanded over the years.  The reserve has a canal that you can walk along, a meadow which at this time of year is full of meadow flowers. There are varies ponds and a bird hide that you can sit in which is a good size along with various seats placed in perfect spots to just sit and watch and listen to the wildlife around you.

Please enjoy my visual diary of my trip.

I always have knitting with me, it is just a given.

I do love going on Google maps and just seeing where I am.

I hope you enjoyed, until next time ......

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