Sunday, 28 February 2021

Lineover Woods, Gloucestershire

So the weekend here in the Midlands in the UK where I live has gone from being a good cold snap to glorious sunshine both Saturday and Sunday. 

Due to lockdown have forced us to discover places a lot closer to home that didn't know about. 

One of these places is Lineover-Wood run by the Woodland Trust. 

Lineover Wood was first recorded around AD 800 as part of the Dowdeswell Estate, but it is likely to be much older.

Look out for the lime-coppice stool that has stood here for the best part of 1000 years. It’s reached such an impressive age thanks to centuries of coppicing.

At the moment there is lots of bracken that has died back and provides this glorious brown hues. 

If you just move a take a picture at a slightly different angle the light changes again. 

I do love stripping back the colour and seeing things in black and white too. 

Nestled amongst the woods are lots of natural sculptures that are just great to look at. 

Whilst sat listening to the birds singing away and the sheep bleating this amazing insect came crawling along in the undergrowth. It was so well camouflage, I just loved the patterning. 

I hope you enjoyed my little insight into a wood near me. 

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