Sunday, 9 August 2020

The joy of plants

Yesterday I took some time to read my favourite, most inspiring blog writets post Attic 24 

I have had the pleasure of meeting Lucy over the years several times when myself and a dear friend Rosy visited Skipton for the annual yarn festival in September.  

I love to read Lucy's blog not only for her incredible skill in design, but the ease with which she writes is inspiring. 

Within Lucy's current blog she talks about the need for "space" to help with her wellbeing.  I too need quiet and happily can spend hours in my garden, just enjoying what I have built over the last 18 years. 

Alongside my outdoor space I also have always loved indoor plants. This time last year my personal life was very different, I was in a very controlling relationship where I was restricted in what was allowed.  Now thankfully I am with an amazing person who although she says I have "an obsession" with house plants accommodates my love of them. 

For me gardening be it indoors or out is an extension of what makes me happy and helps my mental health.  Seeing plants thrive that I have grown from seed or cuttings, or bulbs springing to life that I forgot about is just magical. 

1 comment:

Snowdrops and Cerney House Gardens

So many beautiful Snowdrops. Perfect day with the dabbled sunshine shining through. Take your own piece of the magic home. I love the light...