Thursday, 31 January 2019


Here in the UK we are having a cold spell.

However in comparison to Chicago in USA who are currently at temperatures of -27 BBC weather our weather is positively tropical!

Each day instead of cycling I now walk the 1.5 miles to and from work.  Today was such a lovely day for a walk.

Doesn't frost make everything just look so much prettier, even on these quickly taken pictures with my camera.

I have also been enjoying the amazing programme that is BBC Winterwatch.  The presenters make the show so informative and fun.

This year they are based in Cairngorms, Scotland.  What a stunning part of the country.

In the two episodes so far they have covered some fascinating subjects involving research that is being carried out, showing live cameras in and around there local area and other documentaries they have filmed over the last few months.

If possible I HIGHLY recommend having a watch.

p.s. if you enjoy reading my blog please do leave a comment I would love to hear from you.

UPDATE 1.2.19

We had an overnight treat of snowflakes.

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