Sunday, 14 July 2013

Sunny afternoon cycle.

H was at a lose end this afternoon so we decided to head off for a cycle to our local big park.

As it turned out it was great fun even though it was very warm and neither of us really enjoy loads of sun, so by cycling we had the benefit of the breeze on the bike.

We did some paddling, eating ice lollies, watching folks in rowing boats.  Then crossed over to the well known landmark of the pump rooms and smaller lake. We also went too pets corner.

On our way home we went to a new cycle shop called Evans bikes, i could not believe they had a bike for over £4,500!!

We then headed for home and i spotted a pink Thunderbirds car in the carpark.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

1 comment:

  1. 4500 quid for a bike - a snip :-)
    I used to work with a chap who had two bikes:
    a 500 pound bike for general use (and getting to work)
    a 5000 pound bike for the weekend - he used to do quite a bit of time-trialling and such.
    For a carbob-fibre framed bike, 5000 quid is not dear (apparently! - my bike is worth about 25 quid, or perhaps twice that if split for parts!)


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