Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Time for tea with Pinterest

Hi folks,

I haven't been on for a wee while due to my "creative" projects being long slow ones that will take a while to finish and share.

However I just wanted to share another ongoing enjoyment I have found in the world of Pinterest here is my boards I have created so far which I add to weekly.

My other bit of news I wanted to share was my big dilemma with a teapot!! You just don't realise how many lovely teapots their are out their till you start to look for one! 

This came about as my better half was due to buy tea bags as per normal on the weekly shop, but came home with "tea leaves", so then I bought a tea strainer last night, only to realise this morning I need a teapot to go with it!!  So I start the search on ebay to find a whole list of the lovely goodies and now can't pick from  Ebay teapots for one.

A friend also pointed out with a teapot must come a tea cosy!! how right they are :)

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