Friday, 25 February 2011

Inspiration inspired by Attic 24

 A beautiful Valentines bouquet
 My favourite vase for lovely detail when the sun shines throw it

 A lovely potted plant from the Supermarket that can then be planted in the garden so double value

 I love these bright yellow colours even more so as they were grown in my very own garden

The Country Living Magazine is a magazine I have been drawn back to after a few years away.  Inspired by the incredibly beautiful blog of Attic 24 & the stunning pictures.  In March's issue they have a feature called "The Art of Craft" will William Morris famous quote "have nothing in your home you believe not to be useful or know to be beautiful".  My final disertation project was on knitted interiors with Williams Morris as my ispiration, so it is fitting that they also have an artical about a Cumbrian knitter within the magazine too.