Friday, 7 March 2025

A beautiful day at Slimbridge in the spring

For people who have followed my blog for a number of year's will know my absolute joy at visiting WWT Slimbridge.

My first entry on the blog about the wetlands was back in 2010! funnily enough I was knitting then aswell!!

Visiting Slimbridge brings me such joy and has changed so much over the years.  I remeber when it used to have a "hot house" where you could go and see the butterflies and tropical birds.  Without fail my glasses would steam up!

I have been a member for so long and the investment that they put into the site really shows.  Their is something for so many age's and as the wildlife is close by it means I can get some reasonable shots with my DSLR camera.  Although I have to say the equipment some photographer's have is so impressive!

But for me it's about being close to nature, just sitting and being.  Listening to the huge variety of birds and of course always having a knitting project with me.

I will visit the site throughtout the year as it is open every single day except Christmas Day!  For me my favourite times are winter and spring.

In the winter the Bewick Swan's arrive and leave in the spring.  

Slimbridge provides an amazing blog which updates you on the returning swan's and their history with the site.


So these two Swan's are Furry and Farrow the last one's on site this year.
The other reason to enjoy winter and spring is the site has area's where they put bird feeder's up so you can again see bird's up close that I don't tend to have in my own garden.

The site covers 2000 acres and runs alongside the severn estuary which in the summer you can walk down to and see the tide ebing and flowing.
You can also get a great view from the various hides along the route down to the Estuary Tower.

The fields heading towards the river have been managed in such a way that they create lakes again next to the hides so great for viewing from.
Another quite recent addition to the site is a hut that you can explore that shows what is it is like for the people who go on exbitions for researching birdlife.
From April till October you can also have a go at canoe safari's which are great fun as you are at eye level with the wildlife.
The other big attraction that Slimbridge has are the amazing Flamingo's. Not only for their ability to stand on one leg! but the beautiful pink hues to the feather's I love.


But also let's not forget to admire the well known Pigeon, I mean the colours this bird has is equally magical in my opinion.
Finally my day would not have been complete without some knitting.  I am working on a new design, which luckily is portable enough to take out and about with me.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog as much as I have sharing it.
Until next time.

A beautiful day at Slimbridge in the spring

For peo ple who have foll owed my blog for a number of year's will know my absolute joy at visiting  WWT Slimbridge . My first entry on ...