Sunday, 29 December 2024

Trip to Brean

I love visiting Brean Down, being landlocked where I live it's great to visit somewhere coastal. Where you can hear the sea and look out across the channel over to Wales and see the big tankers coming into the Bristol channel.

So here are so pictures from the day.

Monday, 23 December 2024

Bletchley Park

Today I was lucky enough to visit an incredible part of history that if you ever get a chance to go is so worth it.

The history about the Enigma and code breaking the second World War and the immersive experience of the stories being re told just brings home how lucky we are in.

Before the war the beautiful house built in 1883 and was owned by Sir Herbert Leon a wealthy stock broker.

During the second World War the house was then used by the Government Code Sypher School known as GC&CS. Highly intelligent mathematicians including Alan Turing is one of the most well-known Codebreakers to have worked at Bletchley Park, partly due to the Oscar nominated film, The Imitation Game. For the early part of World War Two, he was head of Hut 8, working on decrypting the German naval Enigma. During this time he designed the famous Bombe machine which would help speed up the process of decrypting Enigma and arguably paved the way for the first computer to be built by other Codebreakers at Bletchley Park.

Harry Hinsley was only 20 when recruited to work at Bletchley having just completed his degree at Cambridge.

Harry worked in Hut 4 on German Naval Cyphers and later married fellow code breaker Hillary Brent-Smith of Hut 8.

Kate Middletons Grandmother Valerie Middleton was also one of the code breakers at Bletchley.

Designed by Alan Turing the Bombe machine was set up to decode and intercept Nazi messages.

One of the main types of television drama's and film's I enjoy watching involve crime solving and detective settings. To see an actual field office was incredible the space they had to work in and if they were dedicated what they had to do to if they came under attack.

For someone who loves both colour and books I loved the library for both these things.

All around the park there were many signs about being careful what you said.

Back many years ago I learnt to type on a typewriter, admittedly not as old as this, but again incredible to think of the messages that were sent through these.

One of the realistic parts of the whole experience was the corridors and map really brining to life what conditions and history alike.

Being an avid knitter I had to photograph this poster.

I also just adored the cardigan on the back of the chair, not only for the complexity of the time, but also the fashion of that time and the knitwear that went with it

My final favourite image was of the roof within Bletchley house.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my visit and if you ever get a chance to visit an incredible piece of history I strongly recommend it.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Build up to Christmas

Many people seem to gravite to the Cotswolds which I have lived in for over thirty year's but not really appreciated. So I am going to embrace the area that is within an hours drive of home and thought I'd share some of my trips.

I love being outside so it was great way to spend a couple of hours starting with a trip to The Sculpture Trail in The Forest of Dean.

It was surprisingly quiet, but it was chilly but great for slowing down and taking notice of what is around you.

My Son also loves photography and has recently bought the "classic" Polaroid which is great for instant development.

We didn't walk around the whole sculpture trail as we had a dinner booking but did see some beautiful things.

While waiting for Son I spotted these fungi growing on the tree, I absolutely love imagining little creatures living under them as shelter.

There was a mixture of weather from showers but then the sun popped through. You just can't beat the light and colours the sun brings.

On the way back to the car Son spotted these cool additions to the canopy which was so good.

So walk done we heading to a Toby carvery which I love as no cooking or washing up!

It was delicious and set me up perfectly for the last event of the day which is so special.

Visiting Tewkesbury Abbey for a Carol service. I will never tire of hearing them sing and the acoustics is just incredible.

Then for an end to a perfect day a stop off at a local pub for a refreshing drink.

What a great start to the festive season.

Snowdrops and Cerney House Gardens

So many beautiful Snowdrops. Perfect day with the dabbled sunshine shining through. Take your own piece of the magic home. I love the light...